Slurty McSlurtleface

It all begins with an idea.

Once upon a time, in a DAO far, far away, an idea was hatched to create a mascot.

You see, way back in 2022, a group of web3 frens got together and decided to create a DAO. (if you don’t know what a DAO is, I have some great reading material here.)

The ELI5 DAO was born. ELI5 DAO stands for Explain It Like I am Five years old - Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). This DAO reviews tools created for decentralized organizations and explains their use in an easy-to-understand manner.

The DAO soon grew to include several members. One of the primary mandates that the membership settled on early on was to operate slow and steady, like a turtle and not a hair.


In fact, our little group was off to such a slow start, that it was suggested, a Sloth might be a better mascot candidate.

Well, so you see where this is going…

A Turtle - Sloth is Born

Or is that a Sloth - Turtle … Hmmmm

It did not take long for ideas to start flowing fast and furious. A few sketches of a Sloth - Turtle baby were tossed around and one of our members even enlisted the help of ChatGPT to create a couple of renderings.

The next logical step was to create a name. Of course being a DAO, we turned to a Web3 consensus tool.

One popular decentralized web tool is Jokerace DAO. Self described as a the best way for communities to make, execute, and reward decisions. Participants can put up a proposal, in this case a name for our new Sloth Turtle baby. During the nomination period, suggestions can be made, then a voting period ensues and the name with the most votes wins!

In my case, an off chance nomination of Slurty McSlurtleface came from behind and won the day.

Becoming Chippi(fied)

About the same time, a Web3 artist by the name of Perchy was taking the decentralized world by storm. The Chippi Family are a set of 500 NFT’s that can function as avatar’s on various social media platforms. At the time Percy was taking commissions for custom characters and my parents at the ELI5 DAO thought it would be a great idea to get me memorialized on chain.

By Perchy

A Slurtle (Genus: megatherium) born in the depths of the ELI5💡 DAO. Like the mythical Unicorn 🦄 & Bufficorn, the Slurtle is a combination of a sloth 🦥 + turtle 🐢. It embodies the slow & steady progress of its community to reach heroic stature in the DAO multi-verse. First of its name, protector of the land, lover ❤️ of leaves 🍃, F*ckin legend 💀.

I then went on a road tour.

Contact me.

Today I spend my time wallowing in the muck, hanging out in tree branches and waiting for this bear market to end. I know an ETF is right around the corner!

I am available for personal appearances and plan on attending ETH Denver as my next IRL meet up. If you would like an invite to my party, or just some info about DAO’s, ELI5, The Chippi Family or anything else Web3 - feel free to drop me a note below.
