Blu’s Story


Blu Bear


My first blog post. It all begins with an idea.

One day I was in between naps and said to my self, ‘Self’ you need a hobby. Chasing Christmas bows around the house and sleeping for 18 hours a day just isn’t going to cut it anymore. So I asked my Hume what I should do and he said that he had recently heard about this amazing new thing called Crypto Currency.

Having already been a bit on an entrepreneur (I made a bit of cash in the croissant business you see) I thought; Why not?

It’s a new year and a new me.

so my new years resolution to myself was to go on a learning bender and jump head long into the deep end of Crypto. Why do anything half assed when there is YouTube out there just waiting to educate the masses.

I hope you join me on this journey. It should be fun!


To the best kitty Ever (in memoriam)